

  E-voting Many Indians are always on the move for work or education. Many things like the bank accounts and mobile numbers automatically travel with us. But our right to votes is tied to the place where it’s registered in. An individual must be physically present where they are registered on polling day to be allowed to vote. Because of this a lot of individuals are not able to vote and this results in declining the voting percentage. It needs to be changed. It should be possible for every Indian to vote irrespective of where he or she may be temporarily located. The objective of this challenge is to design a strong and secure technological solution or prototype that will allow electors to vote without having to go to the designated polling station of their respective constituencies. Solution Expected: The proposed solution must address the various facets of the problem like voter identification, authorization, encryption of votes using secure technology and at the same time be feasib

Python IDE download link

Python is an interpreted , high-level , general-purpose programming language . Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace . Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects. [27] Python Paradigm Multi-paradigm : functional , imperative , object-oriented , reflective Designed by Guido van Rossum Developer Python Software Foundation First appeared 1990 ; 30 years ago [1] Stable release 3.8.1 / 18 December 2019 ; 18 days ago [2] Preview release 3.9.0a2 / 18 December 2019 ; 18 days ago [3] Typing discipline Duck , dynamic , gradual (since 3.5) [4] License Python Software Foundation License Filename extensions .py, .pyi, .pyc, .pyd, .pyo (prior to 3.5), [5] .pyw, .pyz (since 3.5) [6] Website www .python .org Major implementations CPython , PyPy , Stackle

Possible Words using given characters in Python

Possible Words using given characters in Python Given a dictionary and a character array, print all valid words that are possible using characters from the array. Note:  Repetitions of characters is not allowed. Examples: Input : Dict = ["go","bat","me","by","goal","boy", "run","be"] arr = ['e','o','b', 'a','m','g', 'l','y'] Output : go, me, goal,boy. Recommended: Please try your approach on  {IDE}  first, before moving on to the solution. This problem has existing solution please refer  Print all valid words that are possible using Characters of Array  link. We will this problem in python very quickly using  Dictionary Data Structure . Approach is very simple : def charCount(word):      dict = {}      for i in word:          dict[i] = dict.get(i, 0) + 1     return dict       def possible_words(lwords, c
Tutorials Topics Core Python Tutorials Core Python Language Tutorials This page features all of our “pure Python” tutorials that focus on the core language features. What is Python? Python, named after the British comedy group Monty Python, is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. Its flexibility allows it to do many things, both big and small. Python can be used to write simple programs, but it also possesses the full power required to create complex, large-scale enterprise solutions. Some of the ways in which Python is used includes: Desktop graphical application development, including games; Mathematical and scientific analysis of data; and Web and internet development. Python’s presence in the world of computer programming can be found everywhere. For example, Python is used in some of the largest internet sites on earth - like Reddit, Dropbox, and Youtube, to name a few. The popular Python web framework Django p